Intentional Queermunity

Capitalism and gentrification are killing the planet.

Families are being forced out of multi-generational housing for high rise condos. There is nowhere for anyone to go- and no center for LGBTQ+ folks experiencing homelessness in Austin- the most liberal city in TX. We plan to change that.

It takes a village.

Every role is equally important in a functioning society. We want a thriving one. Housing is a human right, and rent should not cost money. Everyone living at Queertopia will choose a role and work a moderate amount of hours so that all needs will be met- housing, therapy, food, transportation, and entertainment. Work does not equate physical activity. That is an ableist mindset. Physical labor is as important as medicinal is as important as therapeutic. A society needs teachers, trash collectors, and painters.

While every home will be equip with running water, we will have communal kitchens to eliminate food waste and get back to a society that cares for and lives off the Earth. We were not meant to live isolated- we were meant to work together and share resources. Our goal is to have solar paneling on every building and redistribute any excess energy to indigenous tribes. We want to live as sustainably as possible and eliminate water bottles and pointless trash. Creativity will be nurtured, and homes will be able to be painted however each person desires.

There is no LGBTQ+ center in ATX

Part of living at Queertopia will be taking courses on consent, disability justice, anti-racism, smashing the patriarchy, fatphobia, and Deia. Disputes will be handled within the community with a restorative justice mindset- rehabilitation over punishment. Queertopia is a no cops zone. There will be counseling and substance use meetings on site. We will hold each other in love and accountability.